In a devastating incident along the Accra to Kumasi highway, three individuals lost their lives after their private Hyundai Sonata car, registered under GS-7776-19, crashed into a river near Enyiresi in the Eastern region.
The accident occurred when the driver of the Hyundai Sonata, in a desperate attempt to avoid a head-on collision with a sprinter bus that was executing a wrongful overtaking maneuver, lost control of the vehicle. The car subsequently somersaulted and plunged into the nearby river, resulting in the tragic deaths of all three occupants.
According to reliable sources, one of the deceased individuals in the ill-fated Hyundai Sonata has been identified as Kofi Gyan, an employee at Jubilee House.
It is reported that he, along with two close relatives, was en route to Nkoranza to lay their late mother to rest. The sorrowful incident took place during their journey when the sprinter bus’s reckless overtaking maneuver forced the driver of the Sonata to swerve, leading to the devastating crash.
The tragic incident took place early this morning the community and families of the victims are now mourning the loss of their loved ones.
Source: Ansah Kojo