In a heartwarming tale of compassion and dedication, Dr. Tina’s journey began over two decades ago during her college days when she first set foot in Ghana.
It was there, in the bustling streets of Accra, that she crossed paths with a young boy named Steven, who, at the tender age of 12, was struggling to find both food and education.
Dr. Tina took it upon herself to make a difference in young Steven’s life. She enrolled him in a boarding school, providing him with an opportunity for a brighter future. When he graduated, Steven expressed his desire to return to his home village of Bonwire, where he soon discovered that countless children shared his hunger for education.
Driven by an unshakable commitment to change lives for the better, Dr. Tina adopted Bonwire Primary School as her own. Since then, she has been an unwavering force for good in this close-knit community, making an indelible impact through a range of projects and initiatives.
Her dedication has seen the implementation of various programs, including village clean-up initiatives, joyful picnics, the construction of essential toilets, and the creation of conducive classrooms for the eager learners of Bonwire. Dr. Tina has also been a source of hope for many children, as she tirelessly sponsors their school fees, provides uniforms, and ensures that they have the necessary school supplies.
Beyond academics, she addresses crucial needs by organizing haircut sessions, flip-flop drives, and campaigns for sanitary napkins and panty liners. Moreover, she offers children the invaluable opportunity to explore the magic of cinema, having sponsored movie tickets to the enchanting world of Wakanda.
The impact extends to the health sector, as well. Dr. Tina’s initiatives have included hosting health fairs, facilitating medical tests worth over $5,000, and even providing vital sign testing. Her compassionate nature also shines through in the form of a Festival Meal for the community.
This incredible journey has not been without significant personal investment, with Dr. Tina contributing over $30,000 of her own funds to uplift the lives of the children in Bonwire. Her efforts have not gone unnoticed, and she has garnered support from sponsors and individuals who share her vision.
Sponsors such as Candace Holyfield Parker, Sharneise Kennedy, Petals Stem and Spa, Ace Photography, Dr. Marnah, Ahava Boissiere, Keicia Culmer, Rickeena Pipkin, Jill Williams, Christal Smith, Debra Johnson, Tyreke Pipkin, Rikki McBride, and The Healing Crest have played a pivotal role in enabling her to continue her remarkable work.
Dr. Tina’s journey is a testament to the power of one individual’s compassion to create lasting change, and her story serves as an inspiration to all.