American comedian and actor of Ghanaian descent, Michael Blackson, has vented his anger on the Ghanaian government for ruining his investments.

Michael, in a series of posts on X, writes that he had purchased Eurobonds to run his school at Agona Nsaba (Michael Blackson Academy), but has had challenges with recouping his investment.

According to him, he did the Eurobonds because he figured that will help pay for the life span of the free school he built. However, he said, “Ghana decided to use our money to pay their debt to China or whoever and leave us hanging.”

Unhappy with the situation, he called out the Finance Minister in the wake of his concerns.

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“Who’s the Minister of Finance in Ghana? I have beef with this guy. People of the diaspora decided to invest in our continent and they used our money to pay their debt and gave us two options. Either take a 37% cut and receive 5% interest with 11 yrs maturity date or no cut but 1.9% interest with 15 yrs maturity date. I’m very disappointed in my people for this,” he posted.

The Michael Blackson Academy, founded three years ago offers free education to children from kindergarten to Basic 3. They also provide free uniforms to the pupils.

In spite of all these challenges, Blackson says he is resolute in his bid to keep the school running.

“If it wasn’t for the love and passion I have for the unprivileged youth of Ghana, I would just hand my school to the people and walk away,” he wrote.

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Ghana, Accra, Mankessim. Ishmael Awudi is a journalist and a media entrepreneur. He founded Ghana News Guide. GNG is an online news platform that focuses on news stories within Ghana and across the world on a regular basis. The primary objective of GNG is to ensure that news stories are reported as they are, with no filters applied. In its news coverage, GNG strives for professionalism.He also founded Wetour, a local tourism agency aimed at boosting the tourism space in Ghana with the youth at focus.Ishmael works with The Afriam Network as the head of business development. Afriam Network is a global company based in Ghana, Accra that offers a variety of services such as Customer Service, Debt Collection, Order Taking, Lead Generation, Customer Surveys, and Telesales. Ishmael holds a bachelor's degree from the Ghana Institute of Journalism. He won the best online media personality award in 2019 at level 300.He has contributed to several media houses in Ghana including.


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