The chairperson of the electoral commission, Mrs Jane Mensah has said that the commission will, in the coming days, re-exhibit the provisional voters register online.

According to the chairperson, the commission has developed an online platform to allow voters to review their registration details at no cost to the voter. Additionally, the commission will provide a period within which voters will be able to report any discrepancies they have with their registration details in the districts where they registered and have them resolved.

Addressing the political parties and CSOs during the IPAC meeting in Accra on Tuesday 1st October, 2024, the EC chairperson, Mrs Jane Mensah said the idea to allow a second exhibition of the provisional voters register is part of the commission’s efforts to open up their processes and to ensure that the register is robust and accurate for the 2024 election.

“We urge all voters to review their details and to present any discrepancies they may have to us. This process, we believe, will certainly guarantee a fairer cleaning of the register” she added.

As a further step towards transparency, the commission will also provide all the political parties with copies of the revised provisional voters register to give them the opportunity to review the revised provisional voters register and report any discrepancies they may find with the register.

“We urge the parties to see this as a national assignment and not as a partisan assignment. Let us put Ghana first and put our hands to the plow and collectively clean the provisional voters register to ensure that it is robust ahead of the 2024 election”.

Jane Mensah revealed that the commission has developed a template to shared with political parties to allow them to report discrepancies they find with the register and present same to the commission.

“It is in our interest as a commission to produce a credible and robust final voters register. We did this in 2020 and we will do it again in 2024.
We urge you all and the citizens of Ghana to trust us. We will not fail you. We will not disappoint you.
And we commit and pledge to conducting and undertaking a free, fair, transparent, and credible election come December 2024” she stated.

By Sampson Kumah Ifeetwube Elvis


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