Mr. Prosper Owusu, a third-year Mathematics student at the Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED), tragically lost his life on September 1, 2023, following an unfortunate incident involving a fire ritual.

Mr. Owusu was among a group of students residing in Opoku Ware II Hall who were reportedly engaged in activities within the hall premises on Friday, August 25, 2023.

Owusu is said to be the “chief priest” who leads certain traditional rites at the Opoku Ware Hall of AAMUSTED (formerly known as the University of Education, Winneba – Kumasi campus).

During these activities, an accident occurred, resulting in Mr. Owusu sustaining serious injuries. Swiftly, he was rushed to the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH) to receive immediate medical attention. However, despite all efforts, Prosper succumbed to his injuries, marking a heartbreaking end to his academic journey.

Unverified videos shared on social media regarding the incident show an individual whose attire is caught in flames running on the campus while bystanders try to put the flame out.

The circumstances surrounding the incident within the Hall are currently under investigation by the university management.

In light of this unfortunate event, the university administration has issued a stern warning to all students, urging them to exercise caution and avoid engaging in activities that may expose them to risks and other potential consequences.

The university also extended its deepest condolences to the grieving family, friends, and fellow students of the late Prosper Owusu.

Read the entire AAMUSTED statement below;

Source: graphic online

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Ghana, Accra, Mankessim. Ishmael Awudi is a journalist and a media entrepreneur. He founded Ghana News Guide. GNG is an online news platform that focuses on news stories within Ghana and across the world on a regular basis. The primary objective of GNG is to ensure that news stories are reported as they are, with no filters applied. In its news coverage, GNG strives for professionalism.He also founded Wetour, a local tourism agency aimed at boosting the tourism space in Ghana with the youth at focus.Ishmael works with The Afriam Network as the head of business development. Afriam Network is a global company based in Ghana, Accra that offers a variety of services such as Customer Service, Debt Collection, Order Taking, Lead Generation, Customer Surveys, and Telesales. Ishmael holds a bachelor's degree from the Ghana Institute of Journalism. He won the best online media personality award in 2019 at level 300.He has contributed to several media houses in Ghana including.


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